Scrshot Config


The URL address where we can reach our application.

  • In case it’s a web application it should be a standard URL with host and port.
  • In the case of mobile applications it should be application deep link schema name

Website Example

  "url": "",
  "dest": "src/assets",
  "screenshots": {
    "homepage": {
      "path": "/"

Mobile Example

  "url": "expo-with-router",
  "dest": "public",
  "screenshots": {
    "homepage": {
      "path": "/"


Path where Scrshot will store the screenshots. Be aware it could overwrite already existing images.

viewport (optional)

Manage how your website is displayed. You can change how browser rendering your website.


Set browser viewport width

Default: 1920px


Set browser viewport height

Default: 1080px

auth (optional) (web only)

Scrshot is capable of pass auth. It’s using ahead of time defined cookie jar that contain auth token and all necessary information to authenticate user. On the first run auth.json file is created and it’s used for subsequent runs.

What makes Scrshot authentication agnostic is architecture where we CLI doesn’t need to support every steps. It needs to know first step of authentication process and the last step where authentication is succeed.

url (optional)

URL where your authentication server can be reached. If left blank url will be inherited from root config. Use this only in case where your authentication url is different than your application url.


Authentication first step path


After successful authentication CLI will save user cookies and move to other steps of collecting screenshots.

url (optional)

URL where success authentication can be reached. If left blank url will be inherited from root config. Use this only in case where your authentication success url is different than your application url.


Authentication success path


Object with screenshots that Scrshot CLI should take. It’s composed of key that is screenshot name and object of screenshot information. You need to define at least one screenshot.

url (optional)

URL where screenshot can be reached. If left blank url will be inherited from root config. Use this only in case where your screenshot url is different than your application url.


Screenshot path


You can skip creating screenshot


When auth is defined it will be applied to every requested path. Some path can be disabled in your application after authentication. This option will ensure that path is visiting without authentication.


Path could load additional resource or setup application and that can take some time. You can set time between loading path and taking screenshot. To parse time this library is used.

"screenshots": {
  "homepage": {
    "auth": false,
    "path": "/"
  "login-form": {
    "auth": false,
    "path": "/login"
  "posts-list": {
    "path": "/dashboard"
  "posts-create": {
    "path": "/editor/clig2d23u0003r5b6voj6hivw",
    "wait": "2s"
  "settings": {
    "path": "/dashboard/settings"

android (optional)

When you want to test android build of your mobile application.


Path where Scrshot will store screenshots. It overrides root dest property


On Android Detox needs two apps to make e2e testing properly. One assembleRelease and second assembleAndroidTest.


Release version of your Android application


Test version of your Android application


Local device you will run your tests on

ios (optional)

When you want to make screenshots on iOS Detox require applesimutils to testing through your mobile application


Path where Scrshot will store screenshots. It overrides root dest property


Release version of your Android application


Local device you will run your tests on

output (optional)

You can make your screenshots look better by manipulating it’s output. Thanks to these properties you can make rounded border, add background and more.


Create space between screenshot and corners of the image. It’s like CSS padding property and behaves the same:

  • 1 value - gives space to the 4 sides at once
  • 2 values - gives space to 2 sides (top, bottom) and 2 sides (right, left)
  • 3 values - gives space to top, 2 sides (left, right) and bottom
  • 4 values - gives space to top right bottom and left


Manipulate background under screenshot images


Manipulate border of the background


Define border style. Only solid is supported


Define border width


Define border color


Define border radius


Fill background with gradient

  • Using manual positions:
  "gradient": {
    "0": "skyblue",
    "100": "teal"

where object key is value where gradient should start and object value is a color

  • Using equally divided positions:
  "gradient": ["skyblue", "teal"]

where gradient is a array of colors that are equally divided


Manipulate screenshot that is taken of your web application or mobile application


Manipulate border of the background


Define border style. Only solid is supported


Define border width


Define border color


Define border radius